January 13, 2025
Brown and white coloured lop rabbit ears down on white background

Brown and white coloured lop rabbit ears down on white background

Providing your rabbit with the proper nutrition will help them live a long and healthy life. Understanding how much to feed them, as well as how many snacks they’re permitted, may help them maintain a healthy weight. Let us know in the comments what do you feed your rabbit…


Not only will the appropriate diet provide them with all of the nutrients they require, but it will also aid in the improvement of their oral health and digestion.


Continue reading for our recommendations on rabbit nutrition.


Which Diet Is Best for a Rabbit?


Pet rabbits have food requirements nearly equal to those of their wild counterparts. Rabbits are herbivores, which only eat plants like hay, grass, veggies, and pellets.

They require a lot of high-quality fibre to keep their teeth (which continue to grow throughout their life) and their stomach healthy. Weight gain, urinary troubles, and even dental problems can occur if your rabbit is fed an improper diet or quantity size.


Aim for the following: 85 percent grass or hay, leafy vegetables make up 10% of the diet, pellets with a 5% content (around an egg cup full).


What Is the Recommended Amount of Grass and Hay for Rabbits?


Hay and grass should make up around 80% of your rabbit’s diet. Therefore it should be available at all times. Fresh or dried grass, meadow hay, or haylage can all be used. These provide all of your rabbit’s nutritional requirements while also wearing down their teeth to keep them from overgrowing. If your rabbit doesn’t get enough hay and grass, unpleasant spurs on their teeth might form, cutting into their gums and tongue, making eating difficult.


Always go for high-quality hay that is dry, sweet-smelling, and devoid of grit, dust, and mould. Specialty feeding hays with a wide range of flavours and nutrients are also available. Alfalfa hay may be particularly nutrient-dense; thus, it should only be given as a special treat. Lawnmower clippings should not be fed to your rabbit since they quickly ferment and are highly hazardous to your pet’s digestion.


What Veggies Are Safe for Rabbits to Eat?


Rabbits may consume a modest amount of vegetables each day, about 15% of their total diet. This delivers various nutrients, but it also provides a variety of flavours and sensations for your rabbit to enjoy. It’s crucial to note that not all veggies are healthy to consume because they might be poisonous or cause stomach trouble.


Rabbit-safe vegetables include asparagus, basil, broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, celery leaves, chard, courgette, dock, green beans, romaine lettuce, parsley and radish tops.


What Foods Should My Rabbit Stay Away From?


You may believe that most veggies are safe to feed to rabbits. That, however, is not the case. The following meals are either harmful to rabbits or will give them significant discomfort; in any case, they should be avoided: avocado is one of the deadliest foods for a rabbit, onions, peas, chocolate, nuts, iceberg lettuce, parsnips, rhubarb, garlic, meat, eggs, and diary – rabbits are just not able to digest these foods, although as herbivores, most rabbits won’t be interested in trying. Please note this is not an exhaustive list; please talk to your vet if you are unsure.


Is It Necessary to Feed My Rabbit Pellets?


Pellets can be added to your rabbit’s food to help them eat a well-balanced diet. This should barely account for 5% of their daily calories. Instead of muesli-style items, choose high-quality pellets.


One of the most common blunders made by business owners is choosing muesli food. While muesli may appear more appealing, it encourages selective feeding, which means your rabbit may not get all of the nutrients they require. This might lead to more health problems and overcrowding of the teeth.


Checking your rabbit’s droppings is a fantastic method to make sure you’re feeding them appropriately; they should be huge and compacted hay-like. Your rabbit’s food should be adjusted to their age, lifestyle, and any current health issues, which your veterinarian may provide.


What Should I Feed My Rabbit and How Much Should I Give It?


The amount of food your rabbit should consume is determined by its breed, age, and size. A rabbit of typical size (about 2.5kg) should eat roughly 250g of fresh green vegetables and 60g of pellets every day. There should never be a shortage of hay or grass for them — there is no such thing as too much.


Because thick hair might conceal your rabbit’s real form, it’s critical to feel them determine if they’re underweight or overweight. Overweight pets may have fatty pads on their shoulders, legs, and groin. If you stroke them and feel their backbone, they may be underweighted. Similarly, except in very skinny breeds, feeling their hip bones is infrequent. Your vet will also weigh them to make sure they’re in good form at their health check.


Let us know in the comments what do you feed your rabbit…


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