July 27, 2024

When you choose a cat as a pet, you must know some basic aspects about how to feed it or how certain parts of its anatomy work, because this type of feline requires special attention. One of the most characteristic areas of the cat is the head, which, although it may seem small, is one of the most sensitive parts of the whole body. Specifically, cats’ whiskers are one of the most distinctive features of these animals, as they have several functions and are used as a tool to interact with their environment.

What Are Cats’ Whiskers?

One of the most sensitive and special parts of a cat’s structure is its moustache or whiskers. This part of the feline anatomy contains a series of nerve receptors whose main function is to detect the accuracy and movement of any object around it. They are a very valuable tool for your survival, as they offer the possibility of identifying and detecting the speed of the air. In addition, one of the advantages that whiskers bring to the cat is that they complement the sense of sight, with the particularity that they help them to hunt. In addition, they give them additional information about their environment and help them determine if they can adapt to small spaces.

Do Cats Grow Whiskers?

Like hair or fingernails, cats’ whiskers grow and renew themselves from time to time, so if you find one somewhere in your home, don’t worry because it’s perfectly normal. Interestingly, the total number of whiskers a cat can have ranges from 17 to 25, all evenly distributed on both sides of the nose. In addition, in the area of the eyebrows, they usually have a few hairs that complete the functions of recognition of the space where they are. Cats’ whiskers are therefore one of the most important parts of their anatomy.

Can You Trim Their Whiskers?

If you’ve ever thought about trimming your cat’s whiskers, never do it, as you could seriously harm your cat’s well-being and endanger its life. Here are some of the consequences of trimming cats’ whiskers:

  • They can’t check the temperature of the food, so they may accidentally burn themselves.
  • They will have difficulty recognizing their surroundings.
  • Not being able to perceive depth and distance can increase the risk of having an accident or being trapped in a hole.
  • Due to the fact that they cannot calculate distances, it is more likely that following their instincts and making a jump to chase their prey will not get them.
  • Can’t navigate at night.
  • This can affect them on an emotional level.

Some of these situations can occur in a cat without whiskers, which is why you should never trim a cat’s whiskers. In addition, the number of benefits that whiskers provide to cats helps them perform the following activities:

  • Communicate with other cats for breeding purposes.
  • Show emotions with their environment.
  • Walk stealthily in the dark.
  • Calculate distances and depth of spaces.
  • Know the territory where they interact.
  • Build 3D images.
  • Stay alert and protect the pups from threats.
  • Hunt for your survival.

Although they seem like just another body part, cats’ whiskers help them grow and develop with the rest of the animals and objects.

Why Is Your Cat’s Whiskers Falling Out?

It is normal for your cat to lose his whiskers at certain stages of his life, although it is advisable to go to the veterinarian for a check-up and determine the main cause of the loss of his whiskers. Here are some reasons for whiskers loss in cats:

  • Moulting: Cats shed their fur twice a year, and this occurs when the seasons change from warm to cold and vice versa.
  • Stress: Sudden changes can cause stress in cats, which manifests itself in excessive hair loss, including whiskers.
  • Skin allergies: When a cat has some type of dermatitis or other allergy, it is normal for hair and whiskers to fall out.

Although they may be unnoticeable, cats’ whiskers help them perform certain tasks necessary for their survival, such as hunting, analyzing their environment or expressing their mood.

In short, there are parts of cats that are determined to help them and provide them with the resources they need to survive. The whiskers are an example: although they seem to have no function, they are the main key to their development in the environment. For this reason, cats’ whiskers are very important.

Do you have a cat? Which breed do you have? Let us know all about it in the comments below.


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