January 13, 2025
People Share 12 Hilarious Habits Their Pets Have (Part 1)

Reasons run wild as to why some pets behave strangely. According to experts, these unusual and weird behaviors could be a response to pent-up frustrations or simply a way to express their emotions.

So, here are some hilarious stories shared by pet owners!

Carlisle Story

Carlisle Story“Ah-ha, it’s Carlisle time! Carlisle is my mentally retarded dog in a very literal sense; he has epilepsy and after seven years of seizures, there’s not a lot going on in there. He was rescued from an extreme neglect/hoarding case and he is now a spoiled, completely mindless little gnome of stupid whimsy. He’s also on about 45 mg phenobarb for the epilepsy every day, so he’s also sort of high all the time.

Some Carlisle stories:

He was once scratching his face with his back leg, yawned, and got his foot caught in his mouth. He needed help getting it out.

He once chased a rabbit, cornered it, forgot what he was doing, and then got attacked by the rabbit (which probably felt this was its very last defense). He now fears rabbits. I have a rabbit in the house. He will not go near her.

He sometimes gets confused while drinking water and urinates in the water bowl.

He sometimes gets caught in “loops” of compulsive behaviors. His most common looping behavior is digging. Unless you reorient him he will sit on his haunches and dig with his front legs pretty much for hours.

Once he got his collar caught on a knob on the dresser and sat there getting slightly choked until I found him. (We had to remove the knobs from the dresser for his safety.)

He has climbed onto the coffee table and shat into a flower pot (presumably because it had soil and he thought he was outside). We can no longer have indoor plants, not even if they’re as small as a coffee can, because he will shit in them.

He gets scared by the pictures of a dogs on the wall in an exam room at the vet’s. We have to request rooms with diagrams.

He goes to sleep if you put a blanket over him like a bird.

He sometimes tears holes through sheets and then sticks his head through and just walks around with it like a robe. Every single sheet and blanket in the house has at least one Carlisle hole.

If the other dog leaves the house he [howls] until the other dog returns. It’s really pathetic, even for him.

As for the non-Carlisle pets of my house, my rabbit and my cat are pair-bonded, which is pretty adorable. The cat likes to bat the rabbit’s ears. The rabbit doesn’t care. She just sort of blobs into a puddle of disapproval.”

The Laundry Cat

“I have a giant Maine-coon Siamese mix tomcat. His thing is to bring up laundry from the basement during the night. The weird thing is that he’s pretty good at taking clothes into the right rooms. I don’t know if he does it by smell or what – but it’s pretty normal for me to wake up to a pile of my socks, my daughters some of theirs, etc. He also chirps and meows the entire time he’s making his deliveries – which is pretty funny in and of itself.”

Kody Story

Kody Story“Growing up, we had a chocolate lab named Kody. Kody had a few oddities and idiosyncrasies about him.

My parents are beer drinkers, and Kody would learn how to open each and every cooler we ever had so that he could eat all of the ice. That dog LOVED ice, he would eat it until he had what we called “brain freezers” or these mini little seizures (he was fine, but it was a weird habit).

Another time, Kody was out pooping in the yard and we saw a bunch of cloth coming out of his butt. Turns out, it was an ace bandage that had to be surgically removed. Upon opening his stomach they found a silver dollar, a few bobby pins, the ace bandage and a billiards cue ball. Now, here’s the kicker- we didn’t own a pool table, and our closest neighbor was 5 miles away, who also did not own a pool table. We never did find out where he got that cue ball from. He lived to be 15 years old and passed away peacefully two years ago. Miss you, buddy.”


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