November 14, 2024

Neutering disables a cat’s reproductive organs, affecting the metabolism and manifesting itself in behavior. Although it is a common procedure, several changes occur in cats that groomers should be aware of.

Understanding the changes in the cat after neutering is essential for owners to accept the need for neutering. Neutering males is commonly performed to prevent accidental or random breeding and control aggression.

This measure also eliminates potential health risks, such as testicular cancer in adulthood. It also prevents possible injury from fighting with vagrants or other tomcats.

Neutering may also cause some changes in your pet’s body. This article will discuss some of the physical changes seen in cats after neutering.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Neutering?

Neutering removes the male organ that produces hormones. These hormones also called sex hormones, cause cats to engage in certain behaviors specifically related to sexual desire and territoriality.

Without these messengers, it is easy to imagine that the cat’s behavior and metabolism would also change.

Does the Cat Gain Weight After Neutering?

You have probably heard about the association between neutering and a tendency toward obesity. Weight gain in neutered males is thought to be due to two factors: on the one hand, a decrease in energy expenditure, and on the other hand, an increase in food intake when fed freely.

Uncastrated males are undoubtedly very active and roam a lot, sometimes for more than a day. They walk so much for mating and territory scouting that they may not get enough to eat.

However, this urge disappears in neutered cats, and they become less active. In this regard, pets may gain weight as intake is maintained and energy is reduced. Some studies estimate that a 13-27% reduction in intake can maintain pre-castration weight.

Therefore, weight gain may occur if a cat’s physical activity is reduced after neutering.

Changes Associated With Neutering Vary From Cat to Cat

Changes in a cat’s behavior after neutering may affect certain traits, so the changes will vary from animal to animal.

Therefore, it is difficult to predict a cat’s response to treatment accurately. Generally, spaying and neutering are recommended for all non-pet animals.

Chat, Tigre, Calmer, Un Meuble, Dalmatien, Chien

Are There Endocrine Changes in Cats After Neutering?

So far, it has been found that their appetites increase immediately when adult males undergo the procedure. On the other hand, the direct metabolic effects of castration in cats have also been studied, with conflicting results. These results indicate that the causes of weight gain are multifactorial.

Note that hunting and other behaviors that evolved independently of hormonal influences are not affected.

Other Body Changes: Decreased Urine Odor

Uncastrated cats have a very pungent urine odor. This odor results from the cat’s pheromones (such as pherinin), the action of testosterone, and retrograde ejaculation that carries sperm into the bladder.

This urine odor is intended to optimize how the cat signals its territoriality. In this regard, sterilization eliminates urine odor in up to 87% of cats.

Each animal is unique, and your veterinarian will be able to advise you when to spay or neuter your cat. However, we usually recommend that kittens be spayed or neutered at 5-6 months. You can also get adult cats spayed or neutered.

Neutering Keeps Pets Healthy

Neutered cats have fewer health problems. Neutering is the removal of the testicles. Without these organs, there is no risk of testicular cancer, and prostate disease is reduced.

Note: The advice given in this post is for informational purposes only and does not represent medical advice for pets. Please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to diagnose your pet’s condition accurately.

Blanche, Chat, Chaton, Belle, Domicile, L'Albinos


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