September 11, 2024


Getting a snake as a pet may be a joyful and thrilling experience for anyone of any age.

This list will help you locate the right snake, whether you’re an ambitious herpetologist hoping to join the 4.5 million homes with reptiles or a more experienced handler searching for a starter snake.

Companion animals and livestock are not the same as snakes. As a result, their husbandry and care requirements are vastly different. Choosing a starter snake is a difficult task. You’ll need one that’s most suited to your level of care and handling. This post looks at the best pet snakes for beginners in terms of ease of care, affordability, and temperament.

Smooth Green Snake


This snake is endemic to North America and has a very slim build like the rough version.

It can be kept in a small enclosure (e.g., a 10-gallon vivarium) and fed insects, but it does not handle prolonged handling well. They’re great for people who want to maintain a reptile as a display animal rather than a companion.

The Smooth Green Snake’s care requirements and disposition are identical to those of its cousin, the Rough Green Snake.

As captive-bred animals, they are more difficult to come by.

There are just a few breeders, and wild-caught (in addition to being illegal to retain) can be more difficult for various reasons.

If you’re a newbie and can get your hands on a nice Smooth Green, you’ll be in excellent shape.

Their small size provides easy care, rapid feeding, and a terrific learning experience, even though they cannot be touched regularly. It may survive for up to 15 years, and the price will vary depending on where it comes from.

Ringneck Snake

The Ringneck Snake is another North American native snake with a distinctive yellow or orange ring around its neck (as its name implies).

They’re little, around a foot long on average.

These snakes feed earthworms and require more care (such as adequate heating and lighting) than the majority of the others on this list. They are normally calm and accept handling for short periods, but if handled for several minutes without a break, they may grow annoyed.

Even though they carry venom to injure their prey, this poison is harmless to humans. Because their jaws and teeth are so small, any efforts to bite your fingers will be futile.

They are not as prevalent as other pet snakes since they are not as popular. They can survive for 10 years in captivity, but only 6 years on rare occasions, and cost between $10 and $30.

Rainbow Boa


The Rainbow Boa is a South American native that isn’t normally suggested for novices because of its timid and nippy demeanor. Still, it makes our list due to its other redeeming features.

First and foremost, Rainbow Boas are well-known and loved for their vibrant hues. Their skin has a lustrous, iridescent shimmer under the proper light. They may be snappy and shy as newborns, but a Rainbow Boa can be tamed as an adult with enough treatment. Their natural tropical environment requires special care and unique tank conditions of high heat and humidity.

They may require more upkeep, but the benefit of owning a beautiful reptile is substantial if the proper amount of time and patience is invested in their care.

Best for a beginner who is willing to make a significant investment and learn proper handling techniques.

Rainbow Boas can grow 5-9 feet long and survive for more than 20 years. They’re also one of the priciest pets on our list, with prices ranging from $200 to $600. Some albinos and morphs can cost between $200 and $3000.

Many pet snakes on our list are calm and easy to care for, making them ideal for beginners!

If you’re new to reptile ownership, consider which option is ideal for you, depending on your lifestyle. You are dedicating 10-20 years of your life to whichever reptile you select, and their lives are in your control. Let us know what type of snake you want to have…

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