July 27, 2024

Do you know why rodents are ideal pets? One of the reasons may be their small size, which makes it easier and more bearable to have fun with them at home and enjoy their company. But we must not neglect their hygiene, because it is a fundamental element to avoid diseases. For this reason, we must keep our pet and his house clean. In this post, we reveal the fundamental pillars of hygiene for these little friends: cleaning the cage, brushing and bathing.

How to Clean a Rodent’s Cage?

The first thing to pay attention to is the environment of your hamster, guinea pig or mouse, because no matter how clean your rodent is, it will quickly get dirty if its cage is not kept clean. The main cause of strong odors is inadequate or insufficient housekeeping. That’s why it’s important to clean the cage regularly, not only to minimize odors but also to keep your pet healthy.

It may seem like a bit of a chore, but you should make it a habit, thinking positively about the end result. In reality, cleaning is easy, it is best to do a complete weekly cleaning and wash all accessories daily, especially the trough, feeder and corner. Also, the substrate used should be changed daily, and don’t forget to scrub the bars well because your little friends rub against them frequently.

Make sure the cage and accessories are completely dry before putting everything back together. And choose the right litter for your rodent’s cage.

Finally, don’t forget to remove any fresh food that your small rodent hasn’t eaten.

How to Brush a Rodent?

Brushing is very important because, in addition to beautifying its coat, it improves blood circulation. Brushing is essential, especially during the molting period. Depending on the type of fur you have, you will need a spiked comb or a brush, but with either one, we must be very careful not to pull on the knots that your little one may have. You have to brush him all over his body, paying special attention to the belly because it is a very sensitive part and you could hurt him.

How to Bathe a Rodent?

Rodents are usually quite clean because they spend a lot of their time licking themselves. But sometimes, even the cleanest rodent can use a little extra help with personal hygiene. Baths should not be very frequent, two or three times a year will suffice, because if you bathe him too often, you risk damaging the pH of his skin. It is therefore also very important to choose an adapted shampoo specially formulated for them.

When bath time comes, do it when you have the time and patience, as it should be a relaxing time and not a stressful experience. The best time to bathe your mouse, guinea pig or hamster is during the spring/summer season and in a draft-free room to avoid colds. Before bathing your mouse, guinea pig or hamster, you may want to trim its nails to prevent it from scratching you. You will need a special shampoo and a dry towel. You can do this in the sink or in the sink if you don’t have a portable tub.

Once the water is ready at a lukewarm temperature, take your friend and wet his fur (don’t be surprised to see some droppings in the water, especially if he is not used to bathing). If you didn’t add soap to the water, put some on his skin. Rub gently with the fingertips of your free hand. Try not to get water or soap in the animal’s ears or eyes. Don’t try to wash your head while bathing, you can do that later with a damp cloth. Finally, rinse off all the soap and gently dry your pet. A good idea to end the session is to offer a snack and thus keep a good memory of this experience.

Now you know everything you need to do to keep your rodent clean and healthy! How long did you have your rodent? Share your experience with it so far in the comments below.

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