September 15, 2024
How Do I Register My Dog?

You’ve found your booboo, now it’s time to register him.

Registering your dog is an essential component of being a responsible pet owner. Each country may have its own registration process. But, remember, registering your dog is the only way to make sure he gets access to dog events and competitions.

Discover the Benefits of Registering Your Dog

Discover the Benefits of Registering Your Dog

Regardless of which dog registry you choose, it is critical that you understand the benefits of dog registration. For example, registering your dog proves that you are his legal owner. Obtaining this documentation is one of the first steps in becoming a responsible pet owner.


  • If your dog is purebred, registering him ensures that his pedigree is passed down from generation to generation.
  • Other advantages of purebred dog registries include the preservation of birth records.
  • Even if your dog is not purebred, you can still benefit from dog registration. Non-purebred dogs are accepted by registries such as the Dog Registry of America and the National Hybrid Registry.
  • Keep in mind that registration does not imply breed quality. This is more relevant if you want to buy a purebred dog rather than register your own.
  • If you only want to register your dog for proof of ownership, getting an Identichip/microchip implanted in your dog is the best option. If your dog becomes lost and is picked up by a rescue, the shelter will scan the chip, identify the unique number, and reunite you two.

Choose the Location Where You Want to Register Your Dog

The AKC, the United Kennel Club, and the Canadian Kennel Club are the three most reputable and well-known all-breed registries in North America. It might be a good idea to start your search with these registries to see if your dog is eligible for registration.

Useful Tips:

  • The three most reputable and well-known all-breed registries in North America are the American Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club
  • Consider registering your service dog with a service dog registry, such as the United States Service Dog Registry.
  • Some dog breeds are so uncommon that they are not included in the more popular dog registries. There is a registry for rare dog breeds maintained by the American Rare Breed Association (e.g., wirehaired Vizsla, miniature American shepherd).
  • There are also breed-specific registries, such as the Australian Shepherd Club of America’s registry.

Avoid Dog Registries That Are Suspicious or Untrustworthy

Avoid Dog Registries That Are Suspicious or Untrustworthy

Not all dog registries are the same. Dog registries that cater primarily to puppy mills are untrustworthy and should be avoided. Also, be wary of dog registries that do not require a valid pedigree.

Additional Tips:

  • Use dog registries that only require a photo of your dog as proof of pedigree.
  • Dog registries that are reputable are non-profit organizations. Keep an eye out for for-profit dog registries.
  • Avoid dog registries that lack a code of ethics or a set of standards that registrants must adhere to.
  • Some online registries may be especially dishonest, charging exorbitant fees or disappearing after receiving your payment.
  • Consult your veterinarian, other dog owners, or a reputable breeder for suggestions on reputable registries.

The Registration Process

Complete and Submit the Application

Although the application format varies from one dog registry to the next, the information required is generally the same. For example, you must provide your contact information as well as specific information about your dog (breed, name, sex, date of birth).

  • Other registration requirements may include breeder information, photos of your dog, and a three-generation pedigree certificate.
  • Requesting a three-generation pedigree certificate will almost certainly necessitate additional payment.
  • You must obtain the registration application from the breeder from whom you purchased your dog in order to register it with the AKC.
  • When registering your service dog, you will most likely be required to provide valid proof of your disability. If payment is required, keep in mind that it may be nonrefundable.
  • Some dog registries will have online applications that you can complete and submit. Others may require you to download the application from their website and complete it by hand.


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