July 27, 2024

Having a pet is always something that improves our quality of life, but at the same time, it is a very important decision that carries a great responsibility. It has been shown that the presence of a cat in our home is very beneficial not only for our daily life but also for our health, and even contributes, in some points, to strengthen the immune system. In addition, studies have also proved that it is especially beneficial in homes with young children or elderly people and is the ideal company for people who have suffered emotional trauma, or as a therapy animal.

Rescue is always a very good option, whether it is adoption from shelters or adoption of offspring of known animals. Sometimes we even find a beautiful animal in danger on the street, which we cannot leave in this situation and we decide to offer him our home. Yet, this, is not an easy process but we are here to make things a bit easier.

Today we bring you the best advice to make this adaptation process the best one to strengthen your relationship with your new cat and learn to live together.

Although we know that cats are natural survivors, their quality of life will be greatly improved if they have a home to live in, care, affection and quality food. However, especially if the feline is an adult, we must follow a series of steps so that it adapts best to our home.

A Vet Consultation

A Vet Consultation

If you have decided to adopt a street cat, the first thing to do is to take it to the veterinarian for a general health examination: it may have diseases, injuries, parasites… A stray cat will have been exposed to all sorts of dangers. You need to know about it and deal with it before you take it home. Also, if you are going to adopt a stray cat, you must make sure it gets all the necessary vaccinations. When bringing it to the vet, it will also be a great opportunity to ask about feline sterilization, as it is strongly recommended to perform the operation when the time comes.

Adjust Behavioral Problems

One of the most common problems in this type of adaptation of cats in their new home is usually the habit of looking for food in the garbage. By living on the street, they become accustomed to this, but usually when they see that their new owners are providing them with consistent, quality food, they stop doing this. Behavioral problems can be common for a cat adjusting to a new home. Fortunately, most of these problems have easy remedies. For example, to prevent cat scratching in your home, make sure you have a specific place for your cat to claw on and not damage your furniture.

New Habits with the Litter Box

Litter problems can also occur in the first few days. Keep her litter box clean at all times. A cat urinating outside the litter box may indicate a medical problem, if so, consult your veterinarian. Also, if there was another cat in your home or if there is now a cat, male cats can become entangled. This is usually a problem that occurs in cats that are not sterilized.

Still having contact with the outside world can make the process more bearable. If you have a garden, let him explore and smell the plants. If you don’t, you can place his bed or litter box near a window so he can see outside, or let him climb in some way.

Adopting a stray cat is a very rewarding experience, little by little he will adapt to his new life with you and he will be very happy in your home. Did you already have a cat before? How was your experience with it? Let us know in the comments below!

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