July 27, 2024

Hives, sneezing, swollen or itchy eyes – anyone with an allergy to cats will easily recognize the symptoms of a reaction. And if you’re allergic to cats, you probably know someone else who is too.

Nevertheless, you might be looking for a friendly feline to join your family and are wondering if there are cats better-suited for allergy sufferers – after all, there’s always talk about the best hypoallergenic dogs. What about the best hypoallergenic cats?

Although no cats are truly non-allergenic, some breeds are said to produce fewer allergens compared to others. Read on through our list of the 10 best hypoallergenic cat breeds to learn more.

1. Balinese

The Balinese, sometimes referred to as the long-haired Siamese, is known to be smart, adaptable, and social – but not overly demanding. It’s thought that the Balinese emerged as a result of a spontaneous mutation when long-haired kittens were born to a Siamese cat.

These cats can get along well with other pets and children, and appreciate a good balance of play and relaxation. Balinese cats are said to have less of the Fel d 1 protein, making them great for people with allergies. Plus, despite their long coats, these cats are not frequent shedders and require minimal grooming maintenance.


2. Oriental Shorthair

These cats have silky coats that are easy to care for and don’t shed too much. Regular brushing can help cut down on shedding and help the coat look its best.

Oriental Shorthairs are known to be very talkative, active, and outgoing. These cats are very social and will need exercise or activity to keep them occupied. Oriental Shorthairs love to create close friendships with their family members or another pet that can keep up with their energy.

3. Devon Rex

The Devon Rex has thin, fine hair and sheds less than many other cat breeds. You can wipe down the coat of this cat to spread the natural oils and keep it clean, but generally, the Devon Rex won’t require much grooming care.

These cats have a lot of energy and like to use it. They love to be involved in whatever you’re doing and are known for purring loudly when happy. Devon Rexes are also said to be a little mischievous, so you’ll want to keep an eye out to make sure they’re not getting into any trouble.

4. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rexes have curly coats that sit close to their bodies. Similar to the Devon Rex, these short, thin coats are low shedding – often making them more tolerable to those with allergies.

These cats are fun, energetic, and love to play. The breed is curious, athletic, and unlike many cats, loves to be picked up. Cornish Rex cats will follow you around from one place to the next and thrive on attention.

5. Javanese

Originating from a cross between a Balinese and a Colorpoint Shorthair, Javanese are Siamese-like cats known for their vocalness. These chatty cats might talk back when spoken to or start chatting for no reason.

Javanese cats are smart and athletic – they’re excellent jumpers and love to make good use of their curiosity, exploring cabinets or drawers if they’re able to. These cats have short, low-maintenance coats with no undercoat. The Javanese are known to be one of the lowest shedding cat breeds and regular brushing will help minimize any allergens.

6. Sphynx

Although the hairless Sphynx is often one of the first cat breeds that comes to mind for allergy sufferers due to their lack of hair, these cats are not as hypoallergenic as you would think. Like all cats, Sphynx do produce dander, but it can be minimized by frequent bathing – which also helps prevent a buildup of oil on their skin.

Sphynx cats are friendly, outgoing, and playfully mischievous. This breed is also intelligent, curious, and loves attention. These cats will be willing to follow you around, showing dog-like loyalty and devotion.


7. Ocicat

Looking like a miniature version of an Ocelot, the Ocicat is an athletic, high-energy, and very smart breed. These cats can be a little demanding – they’re outgoing, chatty, and they want to play and be active with their families.

Unlike many other cat breeds, some Ocicats actually don’t mind water and may enjoy taking a swim. These cats love company and having another cat or dog in the house to keep them busy.

Looking into cat breeds with minimal shedding and low grooming needs – those that we consider hypoallergenic – is a great place to start if you or someone in your family has allergies. At the end of the day, however, all cats are different and it’s difficult to say for sure if a certain breed or a certain cat will or won’t cause a reaction. Therefore, as you’re trying to determine which cat is right for you, it can be helpful to talk to breeders, veterinarians, or other experts for more information and insight into your specific situation.

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