January 13, 2025


Having a dog is fun and something that most of us need, especially in these trying times. My roommate and I have two dogs for which we have to search babysitters or dog hotels, especially during the holidays when we both go home to see our families. It is a fact that thousands of animals are abandoned every year during the vacation season, and it is not something that you should be doing because it’s morally wrong. The main reason is that owners don’t really know what to do with their pets during vacations. Here are our solutions to avoid this unfortunate situation.

Take it with you


A pet is like a member of the family. It deserves consideration and affection. Therefore, it is customary to think about bringing your pet with you on vacation. In France, animals are accepted in public transportation, but under certain conditions. Generally, small dogs, cats, and animals that can fit in a cage can be taken along. But to make sure your pet is comfortable and free to move around during the trip, opt for a private vehicle. Once at your destination, the next problem is accommodation. Some hotels do not allow pets. Fortunately, others like the most dog hotels consider your little companion a full-fledged member of your family.

Have a relative look after it


Pets are not on the trip, and you don’t know what to do? Contacting a relative to look after your dog, cat, turtle, or lizard while you are away is a good idea. It is probably a friend, a family member, or even a neighbor. It is a free service. Moreover, the animal probably already knows the person to whom you will entrust it, which prevents adaptation problems. In fact, the animal will have less trouble adjusting to your absence if a relative is looking after it. On your side, you will be more serene knowing that your pet is with a person you trust.

Entrust them to a pet hotel


An animal boarding facility is an excellent solution. It is an establishment specifically dedicated to the care of pets: dogs, cats, lizards, rodents, and others. Your little friend will get all the attention they deserve: healthy food, appropriate games, walks, and new friends. In case of problems, dedicated professionals will give him the appropriate care. This way, you can rest easy knowing that your pet is having fun with you and feeling your absence less. However, this option is less suitable for shy and timid pets.

Finding a temporary foster home


The foster care system is specifically designed to protect animals that do not have shelter. It is an alternative for those who cannot bring their pets to a hotel during the vacations. Typically, foster families work with the animal welfare department and have a certificate of fitness. To ease the transition, take your pet to visit the foster family of your choice before you leave on vacation. Knowing the location ahead of time will make your pet feel less left behind when you leave. Plus, by leaving one family to join another, he’ll feel more like he’s going on vacation, too.

Hiring a pet sitter


Hiring a babysitter to look after your child while you’re away? Why not also hire a pet sitter to take care of your pets during your vacation? Opt for professionals mandated by an agency to ensure that your little companion is in good hands. A pet sitter settles in with your pet and takes care of it during your absence. He feeds, cuddles, walks and treats minor injuries like a real nanny. So, talk to him about your pet’s habits, character, and fears to facilitate contact.

In short, going on vacation with peace of mind is quite possible, even when you have pets. You can bring them with you to an establishment that accepts them, leave them with a relative, contact a pet-sitting agency, or look for an approved temporary foster family. This way, you can leave with peace of mind, and your pet will be happy during this time as well.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you do with your pets during the holidays? My roommate and I are both die-hard New Yorkers, and we rarely leave the city, especially with Covid-19, but this year both of us are leaving to meet our family after 2 years and are leaving our dog in the care of New York Dog Spa & Hotel.

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